DP has became an AFCEA International member

Another important step for DP was to become a member of AFCEA International…..

DP Team, DigitalPlatforms SpA

DP has became an AFCEA International member

DigitalPlatforms S.p.a. has became an AFCEA International member.

AFCEA International was founded in 1946 in the United States of America as a non-profit association with the aim to play the role of the junction of the defense, government, the industry and the academic world, aim to develop professional knowledge and reletionschip in the field of Communications, IT, Intelligence and Global Security.

The belief of the association is that only a rapid, open and continuous dialogue can offer the most valuable solutions for governments in pursuing the well-being and safety of their citizens.

To date, AFCEA is a reality that has over 19,000 individual members, 13,500 members belonging to various companies and 1,700 associated companies, divided into 145 Chapters and Sub-chapters distributed in 34 countries.

The European continent was divided into three sub-regional offices (Northern, Central and Southern Europe). These Subregional Offices are divided into Chapters; in Italy, Naples and Rome are active.

The Chapter of Rome was established in 1988 and since then it has represented a constant and qualified reference for the main national operators in the Information Technology, Communications, Defense, Security and Space sectors, thank to the ability to collect and harmonize contributions from institutions, research istitutions and universities, from large industries as well as small and medium-sized enterprises.

AFCEA Chapter of Rome website


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