DigitalPlatforms S.p.a has become a Partner of SecurityScorecard!

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Ryunosuke Satoro

DigitalPlatforms S.p.a has become a Partner of SecurityScorecard!

DigitalPlatforms S.p.a has became a partner of SecurityScorecard!
From today DP is able to successfully convey the offer of the leading platform for “Supply Chain Security” and “Third-Party Risk Management” of the American Security Scorecar.
The platform, according to the report “The Forrester New Wave ™: Cybersecurity Risk Rating Platforms”, is considered among the best performing for this kind of systems.
The partnership with SecurityScorecard enriches DP’s proposal in the field of Risk Management, Governance and Compliance, integrating with the proprietary solution DP-RiskMan and allowing a targeted analysis of the risk deriving from the possible impacts of the supply chain on the overall security posture.
It is a modular platform designed to support, manage and analyze information for the aggregation and correlation of data in order to:
• evaluate safety and allow continuous monitoring;
• provide a forecast analysis and the “What-If”, Business Continuity and Crisis Management models;
• prevent fraud of technological origin.
The different SecurityScorecard modules, starting from open and / or proprietary sources, provide decision-making and operational support relating to supply chain management.
DP will integrate in Italy all the complementary services of the platform such as Customization, Training and Maintenance for end customers.


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