“The Polygon represents the synergies that have been established between the military world, the university world and the industrial world. This work is part of a broad strategy of the Ministry of Defense,…..”
DigitalPlatforms in the project for the Unavox Polygon
Very proud to have given its contribution through System Management S.p.A., DigitalPlatforms S.p.a participated in the inauguration of the Cyber polygon, called UNAVOX, which was held on Monday at the Chiavari training institute with the presence of numerous political and military authorities.
The event was attended by important educational institutions such as the Universities of Genoa, Modena, Reggio Emilia, with which the Telecommunications School has been collaborating for years, and leading companies in the sector such as Leonardo S.p.A, AizoOn Tecnology, Digital Platforms S.p.a. and Minded Security.
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