DigitalPlatform has chosen to support the Live Web Conference “Crimini e attacchi informatici”, a great interest topic about cybersecurity.
DigitalPlatforms principal supporter of Live Web Conference “Crimini e attacchi informatici”
As part of the new national cybersecurity architecture, the assignment of inspection and sanctioning power within the National Cybersecurity Agency (ACN) in the event of cyber attacks on Critical Infrastructures or cyber crimes of various kinds, could trigger between the ACN and the Judiciary, potential conflicts of competences and responsibilities, overlaps and interferences in the respective investigation and investigation activities.
To investigate these issues, the ICSA Foundation has organized a conference in streaming entitled “Crimes and cyber attacks: powers of the National Cybersecurity Agency and investigations by the judiciary”, which will be held on April 12, starting at 9.45 am, an event aimed at foster a debate on what the most effective regulatory tools and technical solutions can be in order to avoid the onset of hypothetical conflicts between the Judiciary and ACN, both in the investigation and investigation phase and in the provision of administrative sanctions.